April 29, 2010
April 28, 2010
Experience Life without Laundry Soap
Laundry soap is one of the worst items in your home for the environment; care to know all the dangers click HERE to read more. Suffice it to say there are toxins in the laundry soap and it costs money. What if you could practically eliminate laundry soap? Would you spend $30 to save $300-500? I found this product through a friend on Facebook and frankly was astounded I had not heard of it before. Read on;
By: Allison Edwards
Tired of buying laundry soap? Worried about where all of those suds go and what they do to the environment? Have allergies or sensitive skin that can’t stand soap on your clothes? Well, stop wasting, worrying and itching and experience the revolutionary LAUNDRY BALL. With this ball that looks more like a dog toy than a laundry device, you can reduce your consumption of laundry detergent by 75%--or COMPLETELY. Simply place the ball in the heart of the washing machine--no bleach, no fabric softener--and NO SOAP. Now, if you have just returned from burning man, camping for a week or you are a mechanic, you may still want to use some soap, but you only have to use 1/3 of what you would usually use! The best part? It lasts for 1,000 washes--on average 2 years! Imagine not buying laundry soap for two years....
So, how does this product work? During the washing cycle, the 3 different ceramic pearls inside the ball create a friction that reinforces the cleansing properties of water and softens the textile fibers to make the impurities easy to remove. These little pearls actually raise the pH level of your water--which is essentially what detergent does. They also release the emission of infrared rays and negative ions which increases the molecular motion of the water--to be scientific. All you really need to know is IT WORKS. The only special instruction is that you must place the ball in the sun for 2-3 hours once a month to “re-charge” it. Then, plop it in the machine and let it do it’s job for a month. If you have a difficult stain, I suggest pre-treating it with our netepur stain removal soap.
So, for the past year I haven’t used soap on our clothes, towels, sheets--even my son’s cloth diapers! Water is the cleanser that nature intended--use it!
For more questions, please contact Allison Edwards, Independent Leader, H2O at Home at 775-223-3097 or allie71103@gmail.com. Check out the laundry ball and other eco-friendly home care solutions at www.myh2oathome.com/allison
By: Allison Edwards
Tired of buying laundry soap? Worried about where all of those suds go and what they do to the environment? Have allergies or sensitive skin that can’t stand soap on your clothes? Well, stop wasting, worrying and itching and experience the revolutionary LAUNDRY BALL. With this ball that looks more like a dog toy than a laundry device, you can reduce your consumption of laundry detergent by 75%--or COMPLETELY. Simply place the ball in the heart of the washing machine--no bleach, no fabric softener--and NO SOAP. Now, if you have just returned from burning man, camping for a week or you are a mechanic, you may still want to use some soap, but you only have to use 1/3 of what you would usually use! The best part? It lasts for 1,000 washes--on average 2 years! Imagine not buying laundry soap for two years....
So, how does this product work? During the washing cycle, the 3 different ceramic pearls inside the ball create a friction that reinforces the cleansing properties of water and softens the textile fibers to make the impurities easy to remove. These little pearls actually raise the pH level of your water--which is essentially what detergent does. They also release the emission of infrared rays and negative ions which increases the molecular motion of the water--to be scientific. All you really need to know is IT WORKS. The only special instruction is that you must place the ball in the sun for 2-3 hours once a month to “re-charge” it. Then, plop it in the machine and let it do it’s job for a month. If you have a difficult stain, I suggest pre-treating it with our netepur stain removal soap.
So, for the past year I haven’t used soap on our clothes, towels, sheets--even my son’s cloth diapers! Water is the cleanser that nature intended--use it!
For more questions, please contact Allison Edwards, Independent Leader, H2O at Home at 775-223-3097 or allie71103@gmail.com. Check out the laundry ball and other eco-friendly home care solutions at www.myh2oathome.com/allison
April 26, 2010
Solar Paint?
I realize this isn't our ordinary type of post but it was just too technologically advanced not to post. I love space age thinking. Imagine what Solar paint would change in our world? No fossil fuels?!?! No carbon emissions. No oil spills. The list would be endless.
For all the excitement over low cost solar power, much of it is still in the development stage backed by government resources and has yet to prove that it can compete on the market with cheap fossil fuels. However some private investors are starting to bet on low cost solar in a big way. Among them is tech specialist Len Batterson, whose startup NextGen Solar is kicking into gear.
NextGen Solar will use nanoscale solar “paint” technology developed by Argonne National Laboratory, with the goal of lowering production costs while increasing efficiency compared to thin-film photovoltaic materials.
Many Roads to Cost-Competitive Solar
From turnkey solar kits to the use of low-cost solar materials, there are many different angles from which to push solar into the competitive energy market. A solar paint that can be economically applied to different surfaces is one solution. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory is already working on a silicon based solar ink, and The University of Texas is developing spray-on solar cells. According to chicagobusiness.com writer Paul Merrion, Argonne’s solar technology can be applied to many types of building surfaces, including windows. It goes on like paint, then dries to form microscopic interconnected solar cells.
Affordable Solar Power in Action
If commercialization proves successful, solar paint and other forms of low-cost solar power will have an impact that goes beyond lowering utility costs for private property owners and renters. Even in today’s market, solar power is helping to bring costs down in the subsidized housing sector. It’s only a matter of time before low cost renewable energy becomes ubiquitous among all facilities owned or subsidized by the government, relieving taxpayers from the budget-sucking burden of fossil fuel utilities.
Original article: Tina Casey
For all the excitement over low cost solar power, much of it is still in the development stage backed by government resources and has yet to prove that it can compete on the market with cheap fossil fuels. However some private investors are starting to bet on low cost solar in a big way. Among them is tech specialist Len Batterson, whose startup NextGen Solar is kicking into gear.
NextGen Solar will use nanoscale solar “paint” technology developed by Argonne National Laboratory, with the goal of lowering production costs while increasing efficiency compared to thin-film photovoltaic materials.
Many Roads to Cost-Competitive Solar
From turnkey solar kits to the use of low-cost solar materials, there are many different angles from which to push solar into the competitive energy market. A solar paint that can be economically applied to different surfaces is one solution. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory is already working on a silicon based solar ink, and The University of Texas is developing spray-on solar cells. According to chicagobusiness.com writer Paul Merrion, Argonne’s solar technology can be applied to many types of building surfaces, including windows. It goes on like paint, then dries to form microscopic interconnected solar cells.
Affordable Solar Power in Action
If commercialization proves successful, solar paint and other forms of low-cost solar power will have an impact that goes beyond lowering utility costs for private property owners and renters. Even in today’s market, solar power is helping to bring costs down in the subsidized housing sector. It’s only a matter of time before low cost renewable energy becomes ubiquitous among all facilities owned or subsidized by the government, relieving taxpayers from the budget-sucking burden of fossil fuel utilities.
Original article: Tina Casey
April 24, 2010
Going Green: too hard to change or just habit?
By: Larry Rickman
April 24th, 2010
Going green has never been easier yet I have noticed that even many of my closest friends still use toxic cleaners in their homes; around their toddlers, on the floor where they play, on the counters where they eat, and in the dishwasher where they clean. I have asked them the reasons over the past year and as you can imagine have heard various excuses why they have not made the change to green cleaning products. We hope to dispel the reasons here today and get them moving in a healthier direction.

As you can imagine the most compelling reason heard is that its more expensive to buy green products. True or false? FALSE. While many of the products you can purchase off the shelf at your local store may cost more the alternatives that are online or that can be made are anything but "expensive". The key is to buy green cleaning products that can be diluted. For example - Shaklee sells a product called Basic H2 that can be diluted into 3 different products; window/mirror cleaner, all-purpose, and degreaser. In a normal home environment the $16 kit will last 18-24 months. That's only three bottles of off the shelf 409 (which is really not good for you) and how quickly do you use a bottle? Further you can make you own cleaning products in your home. We've blogged about this before so go check it out. Vinegar and water make a fantastic glass/mirror cleaner and its cheap but more importantly it works as good if not better than that nasty toxic windex product you buy off the shelf.
The other reason we hear is its not convenient; recycling is a hassle, buying green cleaning products takes time, making better decisions regarding food ingredients is time consuming, and I'm already strapped for time. We would argue that you DO NOT have the time to buy toxic products; you'll spend more time visiting the doctors office as a result of using bad chemicals in your home. Volatile Organic Compounds or VOC's are items in your home that are known dangers. Many of the cleaners used in homes today increase the amount of VOC's in your air and therefore can impact your health and the health of your loved ones. Some of these VOC's depress the immune system making it easy for you and your family to get ill. Spending more time sick; missing work, school, or play time means that toxic cleaners actually take more of your time. There is a simple solution; ask. At Dream2clean we are here to help you make better choices for your family - choices that will improve health and save you money at the same time.
The last issue is a bit more difficult to overcome because it falls in the category of habit. Changing habits is one of the most difficult things to do. As we get older we become more resistant to change. It is said that a habit takes 30-45 days to change and since this is the case each of us would have to make a concerted effort to change. Instead of reaching for Tide (that your mother used) reach for the laundry ball that you bought online which will save you a ton of money in the next 12 months and prevent toxic products from being on/in your clothes. Removing toxic cleaners from your home is like stopping smoking. It won't happen overnight and you will have to put effort into it. The great thing is there are companies out there that will make your transition easy; just ask. We all habit ourselves into health issues; we eat poorly cause its habit, we don't exercise because its habit, we smoke because its habit, and we don't clean up our home because we either don't know any better or its habit.
Going green is not only the right thing to do for your families health its the right thing to do for mother earth. Many folks talk about leaving a legacy of debt behind for the next generation and while that is a concern it will be moot if we don't take care of the one thing that matters most - Mother Earth.
April 24th, 2010
Going green has never been easier yet I have noticed that even many of my closest friends still use toxic cleaners in their homes; around their toddlers, on the floor where they play, on the counters where they eat, and in the dishwasher where they clean. I have asked them the reasons over the past year and as you can imagine have heard various excuses why they have not made the change to green cleaning products. We hope to dispel the reasons here today and get them moving in a healthier direction.

As you can imagine the most compelling reason heard is that its more expensive to buy green products. True or false? FALSE. While many of the products you can purchase off the shelf at your local store may cost more the alternatives that are online or that can be made are anything but "expensive". The key is to buy green cleaning products that can be diluted. For example - Shaklee sells a product called Basic H2 that can be diluted into 3 different products; window/mirror cleaner, all-purpose, and degreaser. In a normal home environment the $16 kit will last 18-24 months. That's only three bottles of off the shelf 409 (which is really not good for you) and how quickly do you use a bottle? Further you can make you own cleaning products in your home. We've blogged about this before so go check it out. Vinegar and water make a fantastic glass/mirror cleaner and its cheap but more importantly it works as good if not better than that nasty toxic windex product you buy off the shelf.
The other reason we hear is its not convenient; recycling is a hassle, buying green cleaning products takes time, making better decisions regarding food ingredients is time consuming, and I'm already strapped for time. We would argue that you DO NOT have the time to buy toxic products; you'll spend more time visiting the doctors office as a result of using bad chemicals in your home. Volatile Organic Compounds or VOC's are items in your home that are known dangers. Many of the cleaners used in homes today increase the amount of VOC's in your air and therefore can impact your health and the health of your loved ones. Some of these VOC's depress the immune system making it easy for you and your family to get ill. Spending more time sick; missing work, school, or play time means that toxic cleaners actually take more of your time. There is a simple solution; ask. At Dream2clean we are here to help you make better choices for your family - choices that will improve health and save you money at the same time.
The last issue is a bit more difficult to overcome because it falls in the category of habit. Changing habits is one of the most difficult things to do. As we get older we become more resistant to change. It is said that a habit takes 30-45 days to change and since this is the case each of us would have to make a concerted effort to change. Instead of reaching for Tide (that your mother used) reach for the laundry ball that you bought online which will save you a ton of money in the next 12 months and prevent toxic products from being on/in your clothes. Removing toxic cleaners from your home is like stopping smoking. It won't happen overnight and you will have to put effort into it. The great thing is there are companies out there that will make your transition easy; just ask. We all habit ourselves into health issues; we eat poorly cause its habit, we don't exercise because its habit, we smoke because its habit, and we don't clean up our home because we either don't know any better or its habit.
Going green is not only the right thing to do for your families health its the right thing to do for mother earth. Many folks talk about leaving a legacy of debt behind for the next generation and while that is a concern it will be moot if we don't take care of the one thing that matters most - Mother Earth.
April 23, 2010
Dream2clean and New2U computers - Reno Green Drinks 2010
Originally uploaded by digimanstudio
If you aren't familiar with the great work the folks at New2U computers are doing here in Reno. Go check them out:
They recycle computers and computer parts. Then rebuild and sell them to the public at greatly reduced prices. You need something for a computer, extra computer for the kids, printer, HD, etc. You have to check them out first.
Great stuff you guys are doing...congratulations on your success!!
Reno Green Drinks Event April 2010
Originally uploaded by digimanstudio
Larry & Renay at the Monthly Reno Green Drinks event at the Siena. Great time for everyone, meet many green business owners, and others. Good people, great food, good wine...can't ask for much more than that.
Thanks to Larry DeVincenzi and Smartbrands for being the host and the Siena Spa and Casino for putting out a great spread in a great venue.
See everyone next month at Amendment 21!
April 21, 2010
BPA (Bisphenol A) battle makes way to Senate - Chris Frates - POLITICO.com
By CHRIS FRATES | 4/20/10
A brewing fight over a chemical is threatening the support of a key stakeholder in the food-safety bill expected to hit the Senate floor as early as this week.
At issue is the safety of Bisphenol A, a chemical used to manufacture food and beverage containers like baby bottles, infant formula packaging, canned fruits and vegetables, office water coolers and soda and water bottles.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) has introduced legislation to ban the substance, also known as BPA, from being used in food and drink containers and has signaled that she plans to offer a similar amendment when the food safety bill is debated on the Senate floor.
“I introduced my bill to ban BPA from being used in food containers because I feel very strongly that the government should protect people from harmful chemicals. I continue to believe that BPA should be addressed as a part of the food-safety overhaul and plan to offer an amendment to do so,” Feinstein said in a statement to POLITICO.
Feinstein’s office did not provide any more details on what the amendment would say.
Opponents are concerned that Feinstein will attempt to ban the substance and argue that the science does not support such drastic action.
The Grocery Manufacturers Association sent a letter last week to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) threatening to pull its support for the food-safety bill if it is amended to include a ban or phaseout of BPA.
The group urged the Senate leaders to oppose a ban while the Food and Drug Administration completes a review of the substance’s safety.
“BPA has been used for over 30 years to improve the safety and quality of food and beverages, including by providing protective coatings for cans and metal closures for glass jars,” GMA President Pamela Bailey wrote. “Because adequate alternatives are not currently available, [a ban] would adversely impact an exceptionally wide range of canned and other packaged food, from fruits and vegetables to soft drinks and beer.”
But Janet Nudelman, policy director of the Breast Cancer Fund, said, “BPA is a poster child for bad-acting chemicals linked to breast cancer and other diseases.”
A brewing fight over a chemical is threatening the support of a key stakeholder in the food-safety bill expected to hit the Senate floor as early as this week.
At issue is the safety of Bisphenol A, a chemical used to manufacture food and beverage containers like baby bottles, infant formula packaging, canned fruits and vegetables, office water coolers and soda and water bottles.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) has introduced legislation to ban the substance, also known as BPA, from being used in food and drink containers and has signaled that she plans to offer a similar amendment when the food safety bill is debated on the Senate floor.
“I introduced my bill to ban BPA from being used in food containers because I feel very strongly that the government should protect people from harmful chemicals. I continue to believe that BPA should be addressed as a part of the food-safety overhaul and plan to offer an amendment to do so,” Feinstein said in a statement to POLITICO.
Feinstein’s office did not provide any more details on what the amendment would say.
Opponents are concerned that Feinstein will attempt to ban the substance and argue that the science does not support such drastic action.
The Grocery Manufacturers Association sent a letter last week to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) threatening to pull its support for the food-safety bill if it is amended to include a ban or phaseout of BPA.
The group urged the Senate leaders to oppose a ban while the Food and Drug Administration completes a review of the substance’s safety.
“BPA has been used for over 30 years to improve the safety and quality of food and beverages, including by providing protective coatings for cans and metal closures for glass jars,” GMA President Pamela Bailey wrote. “Because adequate alternatives are not currently available, [a ban] would adversely impact an exceptionally wide range of canned and other packaged food, from fruits and vegetables to soft drinks and beer.”
But Janet Nudelman, policy director of the Breast Cancer Fund, said, “BPA is a poster child for bad-acting chemicals linked to breast cancer and other diseases.”
Bisphenol A battle makes way to Senate - Chris Frates - POLITICO.com
5 minutes to drink 500 years on earth...your only legacy?
By: Larry D Rickman
April 21st, 2010
Dream green: News from the front lines of the (R)evolution
We all know plastic bottles last for years, and years, and years, and years, and years, and years (you get the point) sitting in landfills. Don't we all know this? No? Well then lets get everyone educated. Plastic, especially hard plastic, could possibly be our only legacy? Imagine that you go to 7-11 and buy a bottle of water you are very thirsty so you drink it very quickly and throw the bottle in the trash can outside. You go on living the rest of your life; 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years pass and you die. The plastic bottle you drank when you were 20 will go on living in the landfill for another 400-1000 years (depends on which study you subscribe to). So in fact your legacy is a filled landfill full of plastic bottles.
Many commentators tell you to abandon the plastic bottle completely. While this would be a great thing for the environment, energy consumption, the future, etc. I favor myself as a bit more of a realist. The average American uses 167 plastic bottles a year, 20 of them are recycled. If we could cut this consumption by 75% we would lose over 4 Billion water bottles annually. Think about that what does 4,000,000,000 billion plastic bottles look like? You could wrap the earth 109+ times.
I don't expect you to abandon your old ways that easily so lets start with baby steps; don't buy bottled water to put in your refrigerator. You are spending $10-20 a week on bottled water. That is $520-1040 a year. Instead buy 5 reusable (non-BPA) water bottles like the below. Fill it up in the morning and go; you can continue refilling it throughout the day if you need to with no need to buy plastic water bottles or soda bottles.
Last thing I'll leave you with is; eliminate off the shelf cleaners and instead use green products that can be diluted at home. You will eliminate the waste of the throw away plastic bottle the off the shelf products come in saving the landfill, energy used to create the bottle, etc. Look under the green products tab above for some green cleaning product recommendations.
April 21st, 2010
Dream green: News from the front lines of the (R)evolution
We all know plastic bottles last for years, and years, and years, and years, and years, and years (you get the point) sitting in landfills. Don't we all know this? No? Well then lets get everyone educated. Plastic, especially hard plastic, could possibly be our only legacy? Imagine that you go to 7-11 and buy a bottle of water you are very thirsty so you drink it very quickly and throw the bottle in the trash can outside. You go on living the rest of your life; 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years pass and you die. The plastic bottle you drank when you were 20 will go on living in the landfill for another 400-1000 years (depends on which study you subscribe to). So in fact your legacy is a filled landfill full of plastic bottles.
![]() |
167 plastic bottles per person per year in the US |
Many commentators tell you to abandon the plastic bottle completely. While this would be a great thing for the environment, energy consumption, the future, etc. I favor myself as a bit more of a realist. The average American uses 167 plastic bottles a year, 20 of them are recycled. If we could cut this consumption by 75% we would lose over 4 Billion water bottles annually. Think about that what does 4,000,000,000 billion plastic bottles look like? You could wrap the earth 109+ times.
I don't expect you to abandon your old ways that easily so lets start with baby steps; don't buy bottled water to put in your refrigerator. You are spending $10-20 a week on bottled water. That is $520-1040 a year. Instead buy 5 reusable (non-BPA) water bottles like the below. Fill it up in the morning and go; you can continue refilling it throughout the day if you need to with no need to buy plastic water bottles or soda bottles.
Last thing I'll leave you with is; eliminate off the shelf cleaners and instead use green products that can be diluted at home. You will eliminate the waste of the throw away plastic bottle the off the shelf products come in saving the landfill, energy used to create the bottle, etc. Look under the green products tab above for some green cleaning product recommendations.
April 19, 2010
Shampoo Forms Harmful Substance in Waste Water | ScienceBlog.com
Beware. Toiletries and other cleaning products contain ingredients that form cancer-causing contaminant in water, a new study has claimed.
Scientists at the Department of Chemical Engineering of Yale University have found that certain ingredients in shampoos, detergent and other household cleaning agents may be a source for formation of suspected cancer-causing contaminant in water that is supplied from sewage treatment plants.
Read more;
9 Ingredients to avoid in foods
Although there are some brands that I hugely advocate for, there are many more that border on outright unhealthy and “scary.” Many packaged foods that seem healthy often contain fillers, preservatives and other ingredients you don’t want in your diet. It is always preferable to choose products that have only a handful of ingredients, all of which should be recognizable. One test to know whether an ingredient is healthy is to ask yourself whether your grandmother would recognize it. If not, there is a good chance the ingredient is less natural food and more man-made chemical. Another good test is whether or not you can easily pronounce the ingredient. If you feel like you need a science degree to pronounce it properly, chances are the ingredient is worth avoiding.
If you do have to resort to a processed food for a snack or dinner (anything canned, packaged, etc.), try to avoid those that contain the ingredients listed in the following chart. Although this isn’t an exhaustive list, these ingredients are some of the most highly processed and least healthy of all:
Ingredient | Why it is Used | Why it is Bad |
Artificial Colors |
Artificial Flavorings |
Artificial Sweeteners (Acesulfame-K, Aspartame, Equal®, NutraSweet®, Saccharin, Sweet’n Low®, Sucralose, Splenda® & Sorbitol) |
Benzoate Preservatives (BHT, BHA, TBHQ) |
Brominated Vegetable Oil (BVO) |
High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) |
MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) |
Olestra |
Shortening, Hydrogenated and Partially Hydrogenated Oils (Palm, Soybean and others) |
April 16, 2010
Simple Green Not So GReEn
I received a question a few days ago about "Simple Green" and if it was in fact "environmentally friendly" so I did some research and found the below information on the product. Having said that I would suggest to all readers that unless the product says "Green Seal Certified" and has the below logo its not green or isn't as green as it could or should be. Do your homework on the products you buy otherwise you could think you're safe and all the while you are simply using another toxic cleaning product.
Article from Care2.com
Women’s Voices for the Earth (WVE) published the results of a study of five of the leading cleaning product companies regarding the use and labeling of toxic ingredients in products. The study is called The Dirt on Cleaning Products, and Simple Green, manufactured by Sunshine Makers Inc., is one of the companies investigated.
The Dirt on Cleaning Chemical Companies report card about Sunshine Makers Inc./ Simple Green was that their product ingredient disclosure received a D+; their responsiveness to consumer concerns received an F; their toxic chemicals screening process received a D+; the toxic chemicals in their products received a C; the number of cleaning products on the market was 15; and the number of products that contain chemicals of concern were eight. The chemical of biggest concern cited by WVE is 2-butoxyethanol.
The report from scorecard.org about this chemical is that it is a suspected:
Cardiovascular or Blood Toxicant
Developmental Toxicant
Endocrine Toxicant
Gastrointestinal or Liver Toxicant
Kidney Toxicant
Reproductive Toxicant
Respiratory Toxicant
Skin or Sense Organ Toxicant
Yes, I’d say if you were led to believe that Simple Green was a “green” product then you have been a victim of greenwashing!
Article from Care2.com
Women’s Voices for the Earth (WVE) published the results of a study of five of the leading cleaning product companies regarding the use and labeling of toxic ingredients in products. The study is called The Dirt on Cleaning Products, and Simple Green, manufactured by Sunshine Makers Inc., is one of the companies investigated.
The Dirt on Cleaning Chemical Companies report card about Sunshine Makers Inc./ Simple Green was that their product ingredient disclosure received a D+; their responsiveness to consumer concerns received an F; their toxic chemicals screening process received a D+; the toxic chemicals in their products received a C; the number of cleaning products on the market was 15; and the number of products that contain chemicals of concern were eight. The chemical of biggest concern cited by WVE is 2-butoxyethanol.
The report from scorecard.org about this chemical is that it is a suspected:
Cardiovascular or Blood Toxicant
Developmental Toxicant
Endocrine Toxicant
Gastrointestinal or Liver Toxicant
Kidney Toxicant
Reproductive Toxicant
Respiratory Toxicant
Skin or Sense Organ Toxicant
Yes, I’d say if you were led to believe that Simple Green was a “green” product then you have been a victim of greenwashing!
April 14, 2010
All Purpose cleaner or Bone Marrow Risk?
A recent look at the side of a bottle of 409 All purpose cleaner led us to do some research into the chemical makeup. But rather than share with you the breakdown of each component of this product we decided to just share what the Material Safety Data Sheet says (readily available to everyone);
o Eyes - Irritation
o Skin - absorbed
o Targets Organs: Skin and Eyes
o May cause chemical burns w/permanent corneal injury & Sensitization skin
o Severe irritation; Corrosive, Chemical B
Have you ever been in the habit of reading the labels on products? Frankly understanding the chemical makeup was a little like taking a calculus exam after studying 6th grade math. Not only do they make it impossible to read and understand but it takes a degree in chemistry to understand what those chemicals are.
So in an effort to make it easy for one to understand the dangers of off the shelf everyday cleaners we will put it in layman's terms; they aren't good for your health.
In today’s world green alternatives exist, but unfortunately those items aren't run on a commercial loop telling us to use them; unlike 409, Windex, Pledge, and many other cleaning products. Do your homework; if you can't pronounce the name of the ingredients why are you spraying it on your food prep surfaces, where you eat, or where you take a bath?
By: Larry Rickman
Dream Green – News from the front lines of the Green (R)evolution
April 11, 2010
Keep Out Of The Reach Of Children
"Keep out of the reach of children"; a warning sign on the side of cleaners we use in our homes. Those warning are to tell us that there are dangerous chemicals in those bottles yet we spray them on every surface in our home. We clean the counter where we prepare our food, we spray the table where we eat, we clean the stove with those products, we clean the bathtub where our skin is most exposed, we clean the carpet with them, and the list goes on.
Dr. Gideon Koren is a pediatrician at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. "How can we, as one of the most advanced countries in the world allow these (chemicals) to enter our household with small children, without the appropriate testing to see that it’s safe?" Young children are especially vulnerable; Dr. Koren says young children are especially vulnerable, partly because of exposure. Everything goes in their mouths and they virtually live on the floor. And young kids are more sensitive because they are still developing the basic body systems: the brain, internal organs, respiratory and immune systems are not fully developed until adolescence (article).
Did you know?:
Dr. Gideon Koren is a pediatrician at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. "How can we, as one of the most advanced countries in the world allow these (chemicals) to enter our household with small children, without the appropriate testing to see that it’s safe?" Young children are especially vulnerable; Dr. Koren says young children are especially vulnerable, partly because of exposure. Everything goes in their mouths and they virtually live on the floor. And young kids are more sensitive because they are still developing the basic body systems: the brain, internal organs, respiratory and immune systems are not fully developed until adolescence (article).
Did you know?:
- Over 150 chemicals found in the home are connected to allergies, birth defects, cancer and psychological disorders [Source: Consumer Protection Agency (CPA)]
- 50% of all illness is due to poor indoor air quality [Source: 1989 State of Massachusetts Study]
- Women who work in the home have a 54% higher death rate from cancer than women who work outside of the home [Source: 17- year EPA study]
- In one decade, there has been a 42% increase in asthma (29% for men, 82% for women). The higher rate for women is believed to be due to women's longer exposure times to household chemicals [Source: Center for Disease Control]
- 3 groups of people are primarily affected by indoor chemical concentrations because they spend more time indoors and their immune systems are weaker:
- Infants and toddlers
- Elderly
- Chronically ill [Source: 1988 EPA, 5-year study]
So why do we continue to expose ourselves and our children to dangerous cleaning products? The simple answer is a lack of education on the subject and the need to better understand the ingredients in cleaners.
Today will be our first in a series that details what's in your cleaning products and what those chemicals can do to you and your health.
Common household cleaner COMET; Its "active ingredient" list (1.2%) -
- Sodium
- Dichloroisoyanuric Acid (must read)
- Dihydrate
The other 98.8% is "other ingredients". The only clues about the other ingredients in the product are disclaimers on the label that mention that the surfactants in the product are biodegradable and that it contains no phosphate.
Why use products with items you cannot pronounce when you can find organic, green certified, environmentally friend, people friendly products. We use several of them at Dream2clean and they can be found under the tabs at the top of the page.
Have questions please ask;
Author: Larry Rickman,
April 11th, 2010
April 08, 2010
April 07, 2010
Have a green cleaning question?
If you have a cleaning how-to question, a green cleaning product question, or just want some helpful advice; comment below and we will get you an answer. We love to answer cleaning questions and look forward to hearing from you.
Dream2clean serves the Reno/Tahoe area with Green cleaning services for Residential and Commercial clients. Check us out at Dream2clean.com.
Dream2clean serves the Reno/Tahoe area with Green cleaning services for Residential and Commercial clients. Check us out at Dream2clean.com.
April 05, 2010
Cosmetics: Go without these 6 ingredients
Thankfully, one can interpret spring cleaning in many ways. Some weed overgrown gardens, others dust every square inch of the house. I like to clear out my pantry and cook a mix matched feast with what I find. It's productive but doesn't involve intensive cleaning -- win, win.
Standing alone, these aren't necessarily the most carcinogenic ingredients on the market. But taking into account their ubiquity and health concerns, EWG has compiled this list of the six ingredients to try and avoid in all personal care products.
Why should I avoid it? Even though the International Fragrance Association disclosed the 3.163 ingredients used in fragrance, they have yet to disclose testing data supporting the safety of the ingredients, which is still ultimately leaving consumers in the dark. There are a few we know to be problematic (e.g. musks, phthalates and BHA), but what about the scores of other ingredients missing safety data?
Also, any given product with "fragrance" on the label could, in theory, have any number of the 3,163 ingredients in it. Cutting one word from your ingredient list could mean cutting your exposure to hundreds of chemicals with unknown health risks.
Also, any given product with "fragrance" on the label could, in theory, have any number of the 3,163 ingredients in it. Cutting one word from your ingredient list could mean cutting your exposure to hundreds of chemicals with unknown health risks.
Parabens (methyl-, propyl-, and isobutyl)
What are they? It's not the first time you've heard about these preservatives in this series. They're used to keep bacteria from forming in products.
Why should I avoid them? They have endocrine disruption concerns. EWG recognizes that commercial sale of cosmetics requires the use of preservatives. Lest we trade a devil we know for a devil we don't, we need to know the safety of the replacement ingredients to eliminate concern, just as with BPA-free bottles and PFOA-free pans.
April 04, 2010
Green to Clean: Green Cleaning without the Nasty
There are a lot of cleaning products today that are full of harsh chemicals that are not only hazards to your health, but also unhealthy for the environment. In our efforts to tackle tough jobs around the house, we tend to focus on getting the job done no matter what the cost, and sometimes pass up green cleaning products. This can be for many different reasons, whether we want a quick fix with cleaners that battle stains with chemicals, or because some 'green' cleaning products are priced higher than other cleaners.
The problem is that many of these cleaning products are actually worse than their natural counterparts. For one thing, breathing in harsh chemicals can make you sick, and if you mix the wrong things together, like bleach with ammonia, the combination can actually kill you. What many people don't know or realize is that there are actually many green cleaning products that can be found in the home already, or can be purchased rather cheaply.
For example, instead of using harsh cleaning products to revitalize your coffee pots, clean the coffee pot with simple white vinegar. Pour a pot full of vinegar into your maker and run it as you would when making your coffee. One run through and you will see how much has built up, and sometimes the vinegar that comes out can be as dark as your coffee would be. Once you have run a pot full through the first time, run a half pot of vinegar and water mixed through a second time. Then run just water through a couple of times to rinse it out.
Vinegar has a multitude of different green cleaning applications all around the home. It is an ideal cleaning product substitute for many things including window cleaning products, mold and mildew removers, as well as bathroom cleaners. Never use bleach for mold and mildew, all this does is remove it from the surface. Anyone who has used bleach for this knows that mold comes back, but why? Mold is a fungus that grows into the surface, and the only way to remove it permanently is to kill it with natural enzymes, like those found in vinegar.
Citric acid, like those found in lemon or orange juices, are also user and environmentally friendly cleaning products. Left to sit on tough stains, they can dissolve stains more easily than other harsh cleaners, and give off a nice pleasant scent. Another green cleaning agent that can be readily found in many households is baking soda. This natural abrasive is much safer for cleaning sink and counter tops, and also acts as a natural deodorizer. If you want to keep those odd smells out of your freezer or refrigerator, put a box of baking soda in, somewhere in the back where it can't get knocked over and is out of the way. Make sure that you change the box every few months or so for optimal protection.
You can find out more information on cleaning products that are all natural and safe for the environment online at many different web sites. You can learn what products are safe for the environment, as well as different applications for vinegar, citric acid, baking soda, as well as many other common house hold items.
Five Ways to Be Green For Less
Green has become synonymous with more
expensive. Here are five ways to be more green
for less money.
1. Paperless billing. Today, while newspapers are
floundering across the country online informational sites
continue to grow. Today we pay our bills, check up on
our friends and family, watch TV, and get recipes online.
Switch over your bills to paperless billing. Not only do
some companies reward you for not having to send
you a paper bill in the mail every month, but we are
using less paper, less energy, and making less waste
every month.
floundering across the country online informational sites
continue to grow. Today we pay our bills, check up on
our friends and family, watch TV, and get recipes online.
Switch over your bills to paperless billing. Not only do
some companies reward you for not having to send
you a paper bill in the mail every month, but we are
using less paper, less energy, and making less waste
every month.
2. Free Ads. Nothing tops the strange satisfaction of
getting something for free. With websites like CraigsList,
Freecycle.org, and local newspaper ads, there are
plenty of resources for items in good condition that are
absolutely free of charge. You’ll also be surprised how
easily it is for you to give away things you no longer
need anymore. Instead of tossing your old dining room
table, list it for free and give someone else the chance
to be as mindful as you are.
getting something for free. With websites like CraigsList,
Freecycle.org, and local newspaper ads, there are
plenty of resources for items in good condition that are
absolutely free of charge. You’ll also be surprised how
easily it is for you to give away things you no longer
need anymore. Instead of tossing your old dining room
table, list it for free and give someone else the chance
to be as mindful as you are.
On FB become a fan of: Freemania
3. Make your own. While organic whole wheat bread
may push five dollars a loaf at your local health food
store, it costs just a fraction of that amount to make it
at home. Not only will it make the house smell amazing
but your family members might be so impressed they
won’t even miss going out to a restaurant instead.
Making smart food choices does not mean throwing
away every box of mac and cheese hiding in the house,
but incorporating healthier items too.
may push five dollars a loaf at your local health food
store, it costs just a fraction of that amount to make it
at home. Not only will it make the house smell amazing
but your family members might be so impressed they
won’t even miss going out to a restaurant instead.
Making smart food choices does not mean throwing
away every box of mac and cheese hiding in the house,
but incorporating healthier items too.
4. Antique. Getting complimented on decor does not
have to mean maxing out credit cards at the local
furniture and home decoration store. Thrift stores,
vintage shops, antique dealers and consignment stores
are great resources of home decor at a fraction of the
new price. Not only is buying a piece of furniture from
an antique shop going to cost you less money but it will
be better manufactured. You will also be supporting
local businesses instead of giant furniture stores who
import their products overseas. I always get more
compliments on my antique pieces rather than my new
ones. Vintage is very popular right now, and mixing
and matching is the key to a nice home design, and a
greener attitude.
have to mean maxing out credit cards at the local
furniture and home decoration store. Thrift stores,
vintage shops, antique dealers and consignment stores
are great resources of home decor at a fraction of the
new price. Not only is buying a piece of furniture from
an antique shop going to cost you less money but it will
be better manufactured. You will also be supporting
local businesses instead of giant furniture stores who
import their products overseas. I always get more
compliments on my antique pieces rather than my new
ones. Vintage is very popular right now, and mixing
and matching is the key to a nice home design, and a
greener attitude.
5. Be Romantic. I know what you’re thinking: romance
is expensive. Things like a candlelit dinner, a walk at
sunset and showering together are not only romantic,
they’re green! Snuggle up in winter and turn down that
thermostat just a few degrees. Making dinners at home
warm up the house as well as the heart. Watching a
movie together on the couch is a fraction of the cost of
going to see a movie, plus the food is healthier and you
won’t need to drive to get there.
is expensive. Things like a candlelit dinner, a walk at
sunset and showering together are not only romantic,
they’re green! Snuggle up in winter and turn down that
thermostat just a few degrees. Making dinners at home
warm up the house as well as the heart. Watching a
movie together on the couch is a fraction of the cost of
going to see a movie, plus the food is healthier and you
won’t need to drive to get there.
Green doesn’t have to be expensive. Let us know your
ideas for doing green on the cheap.
ideas for doing green on the cheap.
April 03, 2010
What is BPA and How Can it Ruin my Day?
Original Article found @renonewsandreview.
The Food and Drug Administration has said for the first time it has “some concern about the potential effects of BPA [bisphenol A] on the brain, behavior and prostate gland,” particularly on fetuses, infants and children, though it’s stopped short of taking regulatory action. The FDA was expected to announce a decision about BPA’s safety before the end of 2009, but it missed the deadline.
BPA is a hormone-mimicking chemical present in more than 90 percent of Americans and often used in the linings of cans and No. 7 plastics. In a recent news conference, the FDA announced it is continuing to research the chemical with targeted studies.
The Washington Post quoted one anonymous Obama administration official involved in talks between the White House and FDA as saying, “They have new evidence that makes them worried, but they don’t have enough proof to justify pulling the stuff, so what do you do? You warn the people, but you don’t want to create panic.”
The Food and Drug Administration has said for the first time it has “some concern about the potential effects of BPA [bisphenol A] on the brain, behavior and prostate gland,” particularly on fetuses, infants and children, though it’s stopped short of taking regulatory action. The FDA was expected to announce a decision about BPA’s safety before the end of 2009, but it missed the deadline.
BPA is a hormone-mimicking chemical present in more than 90 percent of Americans and often used in the linings of cans and No. 7 plastics. In a recent news conference, the FDA announced it is continuing to research the chemical with targeted studies.
The Washington Post quoted one anonymous Obama administration official involved in talks between the White House and FDA as saying, “They have new evidence that makes them worried, but they don’t have enough proof to justify pulling the stuff, so what do you do? You warn the people, but you don’t want to create panic.”
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